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  • annala0725

Be Bold For The Lord!

Updated: Mar 16

Be Bold for the Lord!

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14).”

Several months ago on a Saturday morning, one of the TN State Representatives was holding an early morning town hall meeting to discuss various topics.  Our schedules are usually so crazy busy that we typically are booked months out even for meeting with people.  As a matter of fact, last week (February) we we talking about getting together with friends and we booked a Friday night in MAY!  Well that Saturday morning was no different.  We had a deliverance training that morning at our church that would go all day; however we also had several other things to go and wouldn't be able to stay for the whole training.   So as usually, we weren’t going to make that town hall meeting.  Well, that is okay I thought, there will be plenty of other people there to show support.  Or so I thought, you see we make plans and God Laughs (He who sits in heaven shall laugh Psalm, 2:4).

I kept hearing the Lord tell me, rearrange your plans and go to this town hall.  I thought to myself, that is odd, what is the significance of ME being there to hear the updates?  However, we are NOT to grieve the Spirit, so if the Lord says go, our response should always be, “Here I am Lord send me (Isaiah 6:8).”  I said to Cameron, I know we have a full day, but I feel like the Lord is saying we need to go to the town hall meeting.  He said, “Okay, we can go to that, then stop by the training, then on to our other stuff.”  #InItTogetherForTheGloryOfGod!  So that is what we did.

So that Saturday morning, we made it over to the town hall meeting.  There were several other people from our church there as well.  We walked in with a couple from church, this woman is so amazing and on fire for God!  She is a great author and she is a prophetic seer, and her husband is devoted to our Lord as well and he faithfully served our country. We made our way to the bleachers with them which were filling up and we took a seat on the bottom row together while we were seeing other and chatting.

The meeting began, and he went through a slide show and gave an update.  When he was done with the slide show, he turned the lights back on as he transitioned the meeting to open discussion and Q&A.  Then baam!!  I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit so strong!  I felt a weighted peace of His presence as my hands began to feel on fire traveling up my arms.  I looked down at my hands and he had manifested oil and gold dust as I began to hear, pray for him publicly!  Then I asked, “What do you want me to pray Lord?”  And a download of all powerful things for the Kingdom glory started going through my mind so fast.  I was like, oh no!  I don’t have anything to write with, how am I going to remember all of this!!!!  The sort of things he was saying to pray for over this representative were things like, his protection, boldness, removing strongholds and oppression from the enemy.  To only set forth godly legislation, to be led by the Lord, to fully surrender to the Lord and spend more time with him depending on him only.  To hear clearly from the Lord, and do as he says.  To send angels all around him, that those angels would go before him and clear out the rooms from anything that is not of God when he is about to enter the room for legislative matters.  For God to silence his opposing representatives who are not passing godly legislation and to let his bills and God’s will prevail.  For his words to not be his words, but the Holy Spirit speaking through him which will pearce the souls of those needing to pass this legislation to get God’s work done.  To pray that he would retain God’s word and fight with that word, that he would eat the scroll and it would taste like honey in his mouth.  To blessing him, and pray that God is anointing him for such a time as this and he has the blessing of the Lord upon him.  There was more as well, The Holy Spirit was, as always, amazing and he really wanted to use this man.  Then I felt him say, and I want all my people there to humble themselves, turn from their ways, and pray together so that I may do a work in this land.

I was like wow, okay, not only am I to pray at a political town hall event, but I am to get everyone else to do the same!?!?  Spirit of might and boldness, come upon me and give me strength.  I looked over at my sister in Christ and I said, God wants me to pray for him.  Then I said look at my hands, he has manifested oil and gold dust all over me.  She took my hand and she moved it around looking at the manifestation.  As a matter of fact, as I write this he is manifesting this now too.  Then she said to me, YES, we need to pray!!

As the people were asking questions, I tuned everything out, as I prayed and continued to ask God to keep all of his prayer points at the Forefront of my mind. Then my sister in Christ kept waiting to speak up and ask if we can pray over him. She had an opportunity and asked him if we can pray over him. He happily agreed. So then I asked him, can we pray right now? And for a second he looked a little shocked, a happy shocked, and was like yes please do! I got out of the bleachers and went right over to him and then turned around. I looked at the crowd and I said, “ now is the time that we need to come together as the body of Christ and pray over our leaders. When we think of how Peter denied Jesus three times, we always think we will never do that, how could he have done that and walked with jesus! Well now is your time to prove that you will not deny Jesus but you will stand in prayer for him! So I ask you right now for everybody to Humble themselves and to come out of the bleachers into this Auditorium and kneel in Humble reverence for our Lord.

I turned back to the representative as the crowd was coming out of the bleachers. I waited for a moment for everybody to get down and around us. I was amazed that just about every able-bodied person got out of their seat, made their way down to the auditorium and kneeled for prayer! Wow! This is truly of God only he can make this happen! This is not church this is a political event and all of these people are on the floor kneeling waiting for prayer! I laid my hands on him and I asked God to move through me touch him and anoint him and make all of the words that he spoke to me to pray over him a reality. I knew Angels were surrounding us all over the room and then I started praying out loud all of the things the Lord had said. The representative started weeping heavily under the presence of the Lord and when we were done with the prayer he said I really needed that and a few of those things I have been asking God for. Hallelujah! Praise the lord!

I have recently found out that he has been making Headway with legislation and being able to pass through great godly legislation, such as, pastors being able to stick to the word of God and not have to before on doing homosexual marriages, which is not of the lord. There are other things as well and it is just so amazing to watch God work.

So I want to encourage you all, when we hear the Lord say go we need to go! Had we not listened and gone, it would have been a missed opportunity to pray over this representative. It is amazing the boldness the Lord will give us in order to do his work. We just need to fear Him and not man. Of me and my flesh I would never be able to get in front of a crowd like that, ask everybody to come kneel and pray. But God can and he who lives in you is stronger than he who lives in the world! Never count yourself short and always do the Lord's work!

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